

For how long have you been knitting with Gibou ?

Since May 2016

How did you start to knit? (If it wasn't with Gibou)

When I was little, with my grand-mother, Emma. I had fun creating multicoloured scarves.

Where do you knit, in what circumstances ?

In any moment, outside, on the veranda, it all depends on the inspiration of the moment. 

What is your favourite Gibou colour?

Frosted violet. 

From what domaine are you retired ?

The banking domaine. 

What do you like the most about being retired ?

Spending time with my husband, since he has since an irregular schedule. So when he's off, I'm available to spend time with him. 

What advice would you give to a young adult ?

Find happiness in the little things. I have been practicing voluntary simplicity for the past couple years. We also can work less, when we are not worried about the excess. Spend time with the ones you love.