About Gibou

The founder, Sarah Beaudoin started the business in September of 2014 because she was truly passionate about knitting, particularly the creation of hats. Prior to that, she had developed a model with a pompom made out of Wildcat fur taken from an old fur coat. She designed the hat to meet two specific needs that she couldn't find anywhere else: warmth and fashionable. Her creation would then go on to become the « classic model » of her first ever collection.

From the very start, the company values were reflected in its desire to respect three essential aspects: local manufacture, the use of strictly recycled fur and the vaporization of noble material.

It was after the flood of orders, during the 2014 holiday season, that the idea of integrating retirees occurred. Our team is as passionate about manual labour as the founder. When they are out of wool, they say they are « in withdrawal » ... a real drug this knitting habit!

The Retirees:

I like knitting for Gibou because ...

Denise (Laval)

"Knitting items for Gibou bring me the joy of working with wool, but also as a retiree it gives me a daily comfort zone all while knowing I'm contributing to the success of a business."

Carole (Montréal)

"Because I love the founder and she has a lot of talent!!! "


"I love knitting Gibou items because my rythme is respected. I work in utter peace and calm which is good for the soul. "

Marie (Montréal)

" Simply to relax my eyes that watch television too often.
Simply to concentrate on my work and not the problems of the world.
To appreciate my work once it's finished.
To not get reprimanded by my boss for a job poorly done.
If I could have been an artist like Sarah ..."


" For me, knitting responds to my need to be creative and crocheting helps the constant need for Gibou products. There has been more than 600 hats knit since I've started with the team of knitters in November of 2015. Knitting for Gibou is a marvellous opportunity, that lets me continue, even retired, to participate in the realization of an amazing project and to support a local entrepreneur. "

Marie-France (Montréal)

"I love to knit Gibou items for the simplicity of the act and the pleasure of being a part of a team from my living room."


"Knitting has always been my passion. Today, thanks to Gibou, I can continue to pursue this pleasure."

Lorraine (Saint-Sauveur)

"I have looked for an opportunity like this for a longtime, to be able to create and be a part of a wonderful adventure. Thank-you Gibou."

Sylvie (Montréal)

"I have no words to express the joy I have when I am knitting..."


"Knitting for Gibou gives me a lot of pride when I see all the beautiful finished products!"